Webinars sur le droit international de l’eau 2018

Dans le cadre de l'édition 2018 du Cours en ligne en « Droit international de l’eau douce et en droit sur les aquifères transfrontières », le Geneva Water Hub et la Plateforme pour le droit international de l’eau douce, en collaboration avec DiploFoundation, ont organisé deux webinars.
- "Water and Armed Conflicts"
This webinar discusses some results of the research carried out on the development of a set of principles on the protection of water infrastructure during and after armed conflicts.
16 October 2018. Participants: Mara Tignino, François Münger, Stephanie Borg Psaila (DiploFoundation's Digital Policy Director). The programme and the video are available below. - "Implementing the Water Convention: A Look at the Results of the First Reporting Exercise"
This webinar presents some insights on the 2018 Meeting of the Parties of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes focusing on the results of the first reporting exercise on the implementation of this Convention.
23 November 2018. Participants: Mara Tignino, Chantal Demilecamps (Environmental Affairs Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, Stephanie Borg Psaila. The programme and the video are available below.