

MOOC n°4 - Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

It's a great pleasure to launch this MOOC on Water Cooperation and Diplomacy! This on line training includes newly developed as well as innovative material and data addressed to a wide audience of students, professionals, academics, policy and decision makers involved in water cooperation and diplomacy. It is composed of five modules (see below) and includes a variety of training material i.e. lectures, interviews, maps, case studies, exercises and role plays. Register here.


E-learning Course on Water Diplomacy and Integration of Water Norms in Peacebuilding

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), in partnership with the Geneva Water Hub, have developed an open and free E-learning Course on Water Diplomacy and Integration of Water Norms in Peacebuilding. The E-learning Course explores the intersection between water and peace and aims to provide theoretical and practical tools for integrated sustainable water governance in dialogue and processes linked to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


MOOC n°1 - Water Resources Management and Policy

As of 4 Januars 2016, the "Education and Knowledge" component of the Geneva Water Hub has made the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Water Resources Management and Policy on the Coursera platform available in English. This course is a first of a series, it is free of charge and freely accessible.

Water management nowadays faces new challenges, such as climate change or the influence of anthropogenic activities. Public or private actors in this field have to develop new competences to better manage the water cycle “at large”.



The Geneva Water Hub MOOC offer

The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organize three massive open online courses (MOOCs) now available on the Coursera platform.


MOOC n°3 - International Water Law

The MOOC on International Water Law is now available in English!

Water scarcity, climate change, a growing population, the increasing demand on hydropower and the consequences of environmental degradation all lead to more frequent transboundary impacts. These international effects, combined with the consumptive nature of certain water uses, make agreements between States on the utilisation of shared water resources necessary. Otherwise, the multiple demands on, and the uneven distribution of, freshwater across regions can lead to tensions and disputes. This topic, which dominates current political and economic discourse, affects everyone who is passionate about, or who wishes to shape, our planet’s future.


MOOC n°2 - Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development

The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organise MOOC n°2 - Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development. It strengthens the Geneva Water Hub’s offer in free open online courses alongside the one on Water Management and Policy and the planned one on International Water Law (March 2017).