

Monthly Water Map n°6 - The Sixaola River Basin: A peripheral yet global hotspot for biodiversity and cultural heritage

The Sixaola river, serving as a border between the Republics of Costa Rica and Panama, is a cultural and biodiversity hotspot. However, despite its social and environmental richness, the basin is a peripheral and marginal region, a result of its remoteness from the capital cities and decades of limited public investment.


Webinar - The Relationship between the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization and the Obligation Not to Cause Significant Harm

The Geneva Water Hub and the University of Geneva’s Centre for Continuing and Distance Education are pleased to invite you to this two hour webinar on "The Relationship between the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization and the Obligation Not to Cause Significant Harm"


The water-related funding strategies in the Liptako-Gourma region: The challenges of cooperation between humanitarian aid, development and peace

The prioritization of water in the international agenda of response to the security crisis in Sahel is a major challenge for organizations and experts in the fields of peace, development, humanitarian aid and security. This study on the water-related budget-commitments aims at providing an overview of the financial commitments in the field of water and its productive uses.


DAMS: water flows regulation in a fragmented world

The Geneva Water Hub and IUCN’s Environmental Law Centre launch the initiative “Dams: water flows regulation in a fragmented world”. This assessment includes a compendium of references grouping and analyzing the main frameworks and principles to be considered when addressing the challenges of dams in general and large dams in particular.


Second edition of the online course on international water law

The Geneva Water Hub invites you to participate in the 2nd edition of its online course on the international water law which will take place between 30 March 30 and 10 May 2020.


Universities’ partnership: the role of academic institutions in water cooperation and diplomacy

Academic and research institutions play a key role in understanding water cooperation and tackling water diplomacy needs. The Geneva Watrer Hub is proud to be leading with its core partners the launch and expansion of the University Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD). The following article discusses the role that academic and scientific institutions play in water diplomacy and cooperation, and reflects on the contribution that partners of the UPWCD can jointly make to further the cause of water cooperation and diplomacy.


2019 Webinars in International Water Law

As part of the 2019 edition of the online course on “International Water Law and the Law of Transboundary Aquifers”, the Geneva Water Hub and the Platform for International Water Law, in collaboration with DiploFoundation, organized the following webinar


2018 Webinars in International Water Law

As part of the 2018 edition of the online course on “International Water Law and the Law of Transboundary Aquifers”, the Geneva Water Hub and the Platform for International Water Law, in collaboration with DiploFoundation, organized two webinars.


2016 and 2017 Webinars in International Water Law

As part of the 2016 and 2017 editions of the online course on “International Water Law and the Law of Transboundary Aquifers”, the Geneva Water Hub and the Platform for International Water Law, in collaboration with DiploFoundation, organized a series of webinars. International experts from different disciplines, including law, political science and natural sciences, participated in these webinars.


Palgrave Studies in Water Governance

The Geneva Water Hub is proudly coordinating and co-branding with Palgrave-Macmillan publisher the new series “Palgrave Studies in Water Governance”. Looking at the issues of water governance through the perspective of the social sciences, books in the Palgrave Series in Water Governance take a global perspective on one of the key challenges facing society today: the sustainable development of water resources and services for all.


Policy Brief n°4 - Transboundary Governance of the Senegal and Niger Rivers: Historic Analysis and Determining Factors Identification

The Senegal River Basin Development Organization (OMVS) and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) are recognized as examples of international watercourse governance best practices. Thanks to a set of skills that goes beyond the restrictive framework of flows management, they constitute genuine agencies for economical and social development. Despite their proximity, these organisations differ as their respective path to success undergone highly contingent features. Therefore we propose to compare the evolution of governance with respect to the Senegal and Niger watercourses in order to highlight common factors that led to coordination success as well as specificities of each case. We thereby ensure the tranposability of each model.


Monthly Water Map n°3 - Governance at the Basin Level: Senegal and Niger Rivers

The Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) and the Autorité du bassin du Niger (ABN) are recognised for their good practices in transboundary cooperation. Both institutions are characterized by robust cooperative frameworks on political and financial dimensions, information exchange, coordination mechanisms and public participation. As highlighted by the following visuals, the proper functioning of these institutions is tributary to multiple factors, but the level of uniformity between the parties seems to be a key facilitator of effective coordination. The illustrations bring a visual insight of the differences between the Senegal and the Niger River Basins’ components and contexts.


Policy Brief n°3 - The Reconfiguration of Water Policies in Central Asia: A Reflexion on the IWRM Implementation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

In the framework of Political Geography of Water, this contribution examines the logics of water policies implementation in Central Asia. Reflecting on the interactions between water policies, political power, and hydraulic territories, it analyzes the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation - the global water paradigm promoted by the development organizations since the mid-1990s - its logics and rationales, in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan at the basin / local level (Middle Zeravshan Valley, Uzbekistan / Arys Valley, Kazakhstan).