

Policy Brief n°7 - Community management of rural water supply in Malawi: part of the sustainability problem, not the solution

Community management has been seen since the 1990s as the key to ensuring clean water supply in rural villages in low-income countries. Community management approach is ‘the idea that communities should operate and maintain their
own water supply systems’ (Schouten and Moriarty, 2003). The core of the community management model is the Water Point Committee, typically a group of 6 to 10 villagers elected or otherwise delegated by their community to take responsibility for a water point such as a borehole with handpump, a protected spring, or a gravity-fed tap.


Palgrave Studies in Water Governance

The Geneva Water Hub is proudly coordinating and co-branding with Palgrave-Macmillan publisher the new series “Palgrave Studies in Water Governance”. Looking at the issues of water governance through the perspective of the social sciences, books in the Palgrave Series in Water Governance take a global perspective on one of the key challenges facing society today: the sustainable development of water resources and services for all.


MOOC n°2 - Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development

The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organise MOOC n°2 - Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development. It strengthens the Geneva Water Hub’s offer in free open online courses alongside the one on Water Management and Policy and the planned one on International Water Law (March 2017).